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Spring Framework Interview Questions And Answers – 2024

What is the Spring Framework?

The Spring Framework is a comprehensive open-source Java framework that simplifies the development of enterprise applications. It provides infrastructure support, promotes modular design, and offers features like dependency injection and aspect-oriented programming, enhancing scalability, and maintainability in Java applications.

Explain the core principles of dependency injection and inversion of control in the context of spring.

Dependency Injection (DI) in spring involves providing a component with its dependencies rather than letting it create them. Inversion of Control (IoC) shifts control from components to a container, managing their lifecycle. Spring’s IoC container manages object creation and assembly, promoting loose coupling and making applications more modular and maintainable.           

How does spring implement dependency injection, and what are its benefits?

Spring implements Dependency Injection (DI) through its Inversion of Control (IoC) container. It uses XML or annotations to define dependencies, injecting them into components during runtime. Benefits include increased flexibility, easier testing, and reduced coupling, making code more modular, maintainable, and adaptable to changing requirements.

Explain the difference between constructor injection and setter injection in spring?

Constructor injection in spring involves injecting dependencies through a class constructor, ensuring they are available when the object is created. Setter injection uses setter methods to inject dependencies after the object is instantiated. Constructor injection emphasizes immutability, while setter injection offers flexibility during object lifecycle.

Name and briefly describe the core modules of the Spring Framework.

1. Spring Core Container: Provides fundamental functionalities like IoC and DI.

2. Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming): Supports aspect-oriented programming for modularizing cross-cutting concerns.

3. Spring Data Access: Facilitates database access using JDBC and ORM.

4. Spring Web: Enables the development of web applications.

What is the purpose of the Bean Factory and Application Context in spring?

The Bean Factory in spring is responsible for managing and incorporate. Beans, providing a basic container for dependency injection. The Application Context, an advanced version of the Bean Factory, adds features like event propagation, internationalization, and a hierarchical structure, enhancing overall application functionality and configuration.

How do you define a bean in the spring container?

In spring, a bean is describe by generate a Java class and annotating it with `@Component` or related annotations. As an alternative, XML configuration can be used to define a bean with attributes identify class and properties.

Describe the usage of @Auto wired and @Qualifier annotations in spring.

The `@Auto wired` annotation in spring is used for automatic dependency injection, letting spring   resolve and inject the appropriate bean by type. The `@Qualifier` annotation provides additional information to disambiguate if multiple beans of the same type exist, ensuring the correct bean is injected.

What is the purpose of the @Component Scan annotation, and how is it used?

 The `@Component Scan` annotation in spring is used to automatically discover and register      spring beans during component scanning. It specifies the base packages to scan for components, allowing spring to identify and instantiate beans without explicit configuration, promoting a convention-over-configuration approach.

What is AOP, and how does spring support it?

AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) in spring allows modularization of cross-cutting concerns like logging and security. Spring supports AOP through aspects, which are modules encapsulating cross-cutting logic. Aspects can be applied using annotations, XML, or programmatically, enhancing code modularity and maintainability.

Give an example of a scenario where you might use AOP in a spring application.

In a spring application, AOP can be used for logging. By creating an aspect with advice methods, you can inject logging logic at specific points, like method entry and exit. This separates logging concerns from business logic, promoting cleaner code and facilitating maintenance and debugging.

Explain the architecture of the Spring MVC framework.

Spring MVC follows a Model-View-Controller architecture. The request is handled by the Dispatcher Servlet, which delegates to controllers for processing. Controllers interact with models (business logic) and return views (presentation). Configuration is often done using XML or annotations, providing a flexible and scalable architecture for developing web applications.

How does Dispatcher Servlet work in a Spring MVC application?

The Dispatcher Servlet is the front controller in Spring MVC. It receives incoming requests, dispatches them to the appropriate controllers based on configured mappings, and handles the overall flow of the request-processing lifecycle.

 Describe the different ways to perform database access in a spring application.

Spring provides various advance for database access. The traditional JDBC template facilitates low-level database operations. Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tools like Hibernate simplify database interactions utilize Java objects. Spring Data JPA offers a higher-level abstraction, and JDBC and JPA repositories streamline data access with minimal boilerplate code, enhancing development efficiency.

What is the purpose of the @Transactional annotation in spring?

The `@Transactional` annotation in spring is used to demarcate a method as transactional. It ensures that the annotated method runs within a transaction boundary. If an exception occurs, the transaction is rolled back; otherwise, it is committed. This simplifies managing database transactions, ensuring data consistency and integrity.       

 What is Spring Boot, and how does it simplify the development of spring applications?

Spring Boot is a framework built on top of the spring framework, designed to make easier the development and deployment of spring applications. It provides convention-over-configuration, minimizing boilerplate code and offering auto-configuration. Integrated tools and absence enable rapid development, making it easier to generate production-ready spring applications with minimal setup and configuration.          

Explain the significance of the @SpringBootApplication annotation in a Spring Boot application.

The `@SpringBootApplication` annotation in a Spring Boot application is significant as it combines three essential annotations: `@Configuration`, `@EnableAutoConfiguration`, and `@ComponentScan`. This single annotation simplifies the setup and configuration of a Spring Boot application by enabling auto-configuration, component scanning, and designating the annotated class as the main configuration class. It reduces boilerplate code, accelerates development, and assure a convention-over-configuration approach, making it easier to create production-ready Spring Boot applications.

How would you unit test a spring component?

To unit test a spring component, create a test class with methods annotated with `@Test`. Use frameworks like JUnit and Mockito for assertions and mocking. Inject dependencies using `@Autowired` or constructor injection for isolation, then verify behavior and state.

Explain the use of the @RunWith and @SpringBootTest annotations in spring testing.

In Spring testing, `@RunWith(SpringRunner.class)` is used to integrate JUnit with the Spring test context, allowing the use of Spring features in tests. `@SpringBootTest` indicates that the test is a Spring Boot test, triggering the loading of the entire Spring application context, providing a realistic environment for integration testing.

How is it possible to use the Tomcat JNDI DataSource in the Spring applications?

To use Tomcat’s JNDI DataSource in Spring, configure a `JndiObjectFactoryBean` in the Spring context, specifying the JNDI name of the DataSource. This integration allows Spring applications to efficiently access and utilize the DataSource managed by Tomcat’s JNDI infrastructure, ensuring reliable database connectivity.


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