React.js Course Details

ZX Academy’s ReactJs Certification training will help you develop great React applications. Our instructors will explain you the concepts of Redux, React, and React Native. In this course, you will study how to develop components and integrate them into difficult design components.

By joining React certification training on ZX Academy, you will master in your web development skills such as arrow functions, Javascript, etc. These skills will help you in developing React app. Moreover, you will be able to develop apps using React concepts such as Redux, Fetch data using GraphQL, deploy apps using Docker and Nginx, and much more. Our team of expert teachers will guide you in achieve your dream jobs in the ReactJS sector.

React development is becoming the future of web creation because of its ease and versatility. It is used to develop reactive and interactive UI for web apps. This will allow developers to develop powerful and dynamic applications and websites. According to a data from Statista study, ReactJS is the one of the most demanded frameworks with over 40% of the software developers

ZX Academy’s ReactJS Certification Training helps the web developers to learn the basics of ReactJS, ranging from data binding to components and styling. With us, you will learn how to develop scalable and modular components.


React Introduction

In this section, you will learn about ReactJs, MPAs, and SPAs. With us, you will also learn how to create React App and project structure formed by CRA.


Here, you will study about the JSX in detail. In this section, you will also learn how to add styles to react elements and create react elements dynamically.


In this section, our instructors will teach you create the first React component. Here, we will also teach you how to pass data to components with the help of Props.

Modules Import and Export

Here, our tutors will teach you how to import and export the modules of ReactJs.

Styling Components

In this, you will explore CSS modules in the ReactJS. You will also know how to create components that are mobile responsive.

Detailed Explanation of Components

Here, you will learn the components of ReactJS in detail. It includes:

  • Stateful vs Stateless Components.
  • How to pass props to class-based components.
  • setState() Method.
  • How to pass function as Props.
  • How to create Class-based opponents.

Lifecyle of Components

In this part, you will learn:

  • Render() method.
  • How to create the lifecycle of component.
  • How to update the lifecycle of component.
  • shouldComponentUpdate() Lifecycle Method.

What will you learn in ReactJS Certification training?

React is a Javascript library, which allows to develop efficient and responsive UI for mobile and web apps. With this, you can develop difficult UIs using components. Moreover, with React, you can develop apps compatible with multiple platforms.

The ReactJS certification training from ZX Academy aims to teach you how to develop robust and scalable web apps using React. In this course, you will study the basics of React including components, JSX, and props.

Who should take this ReactJS Certificationtraining?

This ReactJS Certification training is for freshers, UI/UX developers, software developers, and web developers. Our training is also good for those who want to upgrade themselves from Vue, Angular, etc.

What are the prerequisites for taking ReactJS Certification training?

To do ReactJS certification training, you must have:

  • Basic knowledge in HTML and CSS.
  • Knowledge of JavaScript.

Why should you go for ReactJS Certification training?

This will be helpful in two ways. Firstly, knowing React coding will increase the prospect of your job as react is in high demand since many years in the software development industry. Secondly, modern website visitors need dynamic and responsive websites; React have the capability to modify HTML dynamically on websites.

Salary Trends:

The average annual salary of a certified ReactJS developer is Rs.5.9 Lakhs in India and $120,994 per year in USA.

Are you excited about this?

React.js Curriculum

Building Blocks of Web Application Development
Single-page and Multi-page Applications
Different Client-side Technologies
MVC Architecture
Introduction to React
Installation of React
JSX and its use case
Virtual DOM and Its Working
Difference between ES5 and ES6
NPM Modules

React Elements
Render Function
Class Component
Component Constructor
Functional Components
Multiple Components
Props with Class based Component
Props with Function based Component
Component Lifecycle
React Events
React Forms
Different Form Concepts
Styling in React
Inline Styling
CSS Stylesheet
Building Music Shop Application using React Components

Features of React-router
Configuration of routing using React-router
Navigation using Links
404 page (Not found Page)
URL Parameters
Nested Routes
Implementing styles using NavLink
Application Programming Interface
Build a REST API using JSON-server
API consumption in React application using Fetch method
Build a dynamic Music Store application using Routing and API connectivity

Need of Redux
What is Redux?
Redux Architecture
Redux Action
Redux Reducers
Redux Store
Principles of Redux
Pros of Redux
NPM Packages required to work with Redux
More about React-Redux package

Need of Async operations
Async Workflow
Action Creators
How to write Action Creators?
Handling Async Actions via Reducers
Generators in Redux-Saga
Saga Methods()
Major Sections of Redux-Saga
Building a Product List application using Redux-Saga Middleware
Debugging application using Redux Devtools

Caveat of JavaScript classes
Functional components and React hooks
What are React hooks?
Basic hooks
useState() hook
How to write useState() hook when state variable is an array of objects?
useEffect() hook
Fetch API data using useEffect() hook
useContext() hook
Rules to write React hooks
Additional hooks
Custom hooks

What is GraphQL?
Cons of Rest API
Pros of GraphQL
Frontend backend communication using GraphQL
Type system
GraphQL datatypes
GraphiQL tool
Express framework
NPM libraries to build server side of GraphQL
Build a GraphQL API
Apollo client
NPM libraries to build client side of GraphQL
How to setup Apollo client?

Define Jest
Setup Testing environment
Add Snapshot testing
Integrate Test Reducers
Create Test Components
Push Application on Git
Deploy App on Nginx
Create Docker for React Application

Native Applications
React Native
React Native Elements
Expo CLI
Build a shopping cart mobile application using React Native
React Native installation and setup
Working with Styles and Layout

Native Applications
React Native
React Native Elements
Expo CLI
Build a shopping cart mobile application using React Native
React Native installation and setup
Working with Styles and Layout

Like the curriculum?

Projects on React.js

Todo App


A todo app will have basic CRUD functionality. It indicates that you can create, read, update, and remove todos. You can replace todos with any content you want. The main benefit of developing this application is it can be developed in a less time.

Technology Stack:
  • Core React features (Context, State, etc.)
  • Barebones React app

E-commerce App


In an ecommerce app, the content will be unchanging and static. You can source the data locally or fetch from a CMS build time. An ecommerce app enables us to venture into working with a server.

If you want your shoppers to buy an item via stripe, then you may have to set up a webhook. The webhook will get the event from stripe when the shopper buy any particular item.

Technology Stack:
  • NextJS
  • CMS
  • Stripe

Project Resources

React.js Certification

Our ReactJS certification course syllabus starts with the basics of ReactJS such as React and JSX components, props, etc. With us, you will learn about more advanced concepts will be there. This includes component composition, styling, unit testing, etc.

Our ReactJS certification course will give you skill and knowledge to become expert as a mobile and web application developer. The course starts with basic concepts of Reactjs and its architecture. With this course, you will get the guidance to develop responsive user interfaces to manage user interactions using React Native.

React is one of the most popular frameworks used to create online applications. As a result, ReactJS certification course is becoming the demanding course. Moreover, this has led to several job opportunities making it a best course for better career.

ZX Academy’s ReactJS certification training is the best option to learn React. Having a certification from ZX Academy will be a valuable addition in your resume to achieve your dream job. Many industry professionals have done our certification training.

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Faq’s for React.js

• Develop apps using React components.
• Better understanding of Web Development Architecture.
• Develop web apps using React.
• Deploy apps with the help of Nginx and Docker.
• Execute navigation with the help of routes.
• Perform test cases using Jest.
• Writing queries with the help of GraphQL.

Yes. The training will teach you the basics and concepts of React in detail. No matter whether you are a fresher or experienced professional, this course will be fruitful for your career.

Yes. ZX Academy’s ReactJS Certification training provides you the flexibility to do the course as per your convenience. We offer weekend and weekday batches so that everyone can do this course.

We will explain Arrow features, Javascript, rendering lists, react router, logical operators, static methods, and much more.

Many job opportunities will be available for you after completing this training. It includes ReactJS developer, JavaScript developer, UI developer, Frontend developer, etc. Moreover, several major companies are hiring certified React professionals. This includes Upwork, Wipro, Infosys, Cognizant, Paypal, etc.

The software requirements are 4 GB RAM, 20 GB HDD/SDD storage, and Intel Core i3 CPU @2.00 GHz. The Hardware requirements are Windows 7 or later/Ubuntu 14 or later operating system, updated version Mozilla or Chrome, and Visual Studio Code.

You have to do practical’s during this course. For this, you have to develop and debug React Native and ReactJS apps using Expo and Visual studio code. Moreover, you will get detailed installation guides on LMS. If you have any question, contact us.

Several programmers are studying ReactJS even after they emerge as professional in HTML, JS, and CSS. So, that is one of the exceptional choices to your profession.

Yes! After completing the ReactJS Certification training successfully, we will give you the certificate. You can use this certificate to demonstrate your skills to the employers.

Yes, you can use our free trial. This includes the platform features such as on-demand videos, assessments, ebooks, and much more.

You can do this through our website and make online payment. For online payment, you can use any of the below-given options:
1. MasterCard
2. Debit Card or Visa Credit
3. PayPal
4. American Express
Once you do the payment, you will receive a payment receipt and information to access via email.

Yes, you can cancel your enrolment. We will provide the refund after deducting the administration fee. Reach us for more information.


React.js rated (5.0 / 5) based on 1 reviews.

Millie john

I learned to React js course from basics to advanced concepts. A big thank you to the Zx Academy for their highly experienced & qualified trainers. I am very much happy for having enrolled for the best React js training.

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